XGV1-12型系列户内高压真空断路器是用于12KV及以下电力系统的户内开关设备,作为电网设备、工矿企业动力设备的保护和控制单元。由于真空断路器的特殊优越性,尤其适用于要求额定工作电流的频繁操作,或多次开断短路电流的场所。 断路器采用操动机构与断路器本体一体式设计,既可做为固定安装单元,也可配用**推进机构,组成手车单元使用,其中固定式断路器可以增加相应的联锁,以满足配XGN系列、GG1A等固定柜的需要。 序号serial number 项目item 单位unit 数值numerical value 1 额定电压The rated voltage KV 12 2 额定短时工频耐受电压(1min) Rated short-time power frequency withstand voltage(1min) 42 3 额定雷电冲击耐受电压(峰值) Lightning impulse withstand voltage rating (peak value) KV 75 4 额定频率The rated frequency Hz 50 5 额定电流Rated current A 630,1250 1600,2000 2500 630,1250 1600,2000 2500,3150 630,1250,1600 2000,2500, 3150,4000* 6 额定短路开断电流 The rated short circuit breaking current KA 25 31.5 40 7 额定短时耐受电流 Rated short-time resistance current 25 31.5 40 8 额定短路持续时间 The rated short circuit duration S 4 9 额定峰值耐受电流 The rated current peak of tolerance KA 63 80 100 10 额定短路关合电流 Close the current of rated short circuit 63 80 100 11 二次回路工频耐受电压(1min) Secondary circuit power frequency withstand voltage (1 min) V 2000 12 额定单个/背对背电容器组开断电流 A single rating/back to back the breaking current of capacitor set A 630/400(40KA为800/400) 13 额定电容器组关合涌流 Rated capacitor Banks close inrush current KA 12.5(频率不大于1000Hz) 14 分闸时间(额定电压) Break-brake time (rated voltage) ms 20~50 15 合闸时间(额定电压) Closing time (rated voltage) 35~70 16 机械寿命Mechanical life 次 弹簧机构:30000 永磁机构:100000 17 额定电流开断次数(电寿命) Rated current cut-off frequency (life) 30000 18 额定短路电流开断次数 The rated short-circuit current open circuit 50 19 动、静触头允许磨损累计厚度 Dynamic and static contact wear cumulative thickness are allowed ㎜ 3 20 额定合闸操作电压 Closing operation voltage rating V AC110/220 DC110/220 21 额定分闸操作电压 Break-brake rated operating voltage 22 储能电机额定电压 Energy-storage motor rated voltage V AC110/220 DC110/220 23 储能电机额定功率 Energy-storage motor rated power W 70 24 储能时间Energy storage time S ≤15 25 触头开距Contact from ㎜ 11±1 26 **行程Over travel 3.5±1 27 触头合闸弹跳时间 Contact closing bounce time ms ≤2 28 三相分、合闸不同期性Three phase pointsclosing not synchronism ≤2 29 平均分闸速度Average speed brake m/s 0.8~1.2 30 平均合闸速度 The average closing speed 0.5~0.8 31 主回路电阻The primary loop resistance μΩ ≤60(630A) ≤50(1250A) ≤40(1600~2000A) ≤30(2500A以上) 32 触头合闸接触压力 N 2400±200(25KA) 3100±200(31.5KV)4250±250(40KA) 33 额定操作顺序 O-0.3s-CO-180s-CO 40KA:O-180S-CO-180S-CO *注:4000A需强制风冷。Note: 4000A forced air cooling.